Saturday, June 11, 2011

To The Cloud

Despite the high-flying superlatives at this year's Apple Developer's Conference, that the Cloud really, truly and amazingly does work, Google Music has been quietly rolling out their beta cloud storage locker. "Locker" is a good term to describe this cool service as it's a good place to park your no charge (note that Apple plans to charge an annual fee for the same type of service).  As a producer or  music professional, don't get too excited about what Google Music or other lockers like MiMedia can do for you.  Here's the Good, Bad and the Ugly analysis after a week's worth of uploading and usage...

  • GOOD:  Massive capacity with no known limit on storage capacity.  The only limitation appears to be the quantity of songs, topping off at 20,000 files.  Not bad.
  • GOOD:  No charge for service (vs. $29.99 for Apple's proposed locker)
  • GOOD:  No apparent data compression of audio.  The file you put up there in the cloud is the one you'll be playing back
  • GOOD:  No Google Ads or banners to clutter up the service.  Works quickly and smoothly on wireless Android 3g and 4g devices (fast and smooth in WiFi mode, as you'd expect)
  • BAD:  This is a one-way trip...upload only.  Once audio is uploaded, it cannot be downloaded, only deleted from Google's server.
  • BAD:  You can listen ONLY...on a computer or device that has been linked to the service through Google's downloadable music manager, similar to iTunes service.  Here, though Google gives you a generous 20 or so devices per account.  
  • BAD:  No links or apparent ways to share or embed files.  
  • UGLY:  Make sure you're on an unlimited data plan because you will chew up bandwidth faster than a hungry man plows through a buffet.  
There really is no downside to Google Music:  It's fast, easy and fun (sorry, slipping into superlatives).  However, if you're looking for something more than a music locker, that's where the wheels come off.  Google Music is a lock-box that would make Al Gore sing hosannas!  You can't download, link or share files, rendering this practically useless for audio production.  If you're looking for something more robust for sharing material in the cloud, a good ol' fashioned ftp or Sound Cloud may offer better results.  

Friday, June 22, 2007

Tascam HD-R1

Tascam announces the release of its new HD-R1 Solid State Recorder. It's a two-track recorder that stores audio on flash media. The rack-mountable unit is expected to hit shelves later this summer.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Frontier Design DAW for Adobe 2.0

We like tinkering with controllers for workstations, and a well regarded device is the Frontier Design Alpha Track. It's compact size leaves a small desktop footprint and its control surfaces are sturdy and well placed.

The touch-sensitive shuttle/jog surface is very handy, indeed.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Is Peak Limiting making people sick???

Apologies to you for our lack of posts and reports over the past two weeks. We're busy with the final touches of our forthcoming redesign and development of a new marketing plan. With these in place, we'll be in a good position to attract a vast array of Production and Imaging Directors across the country and beyond. More on that in the coming days.

Now, on to the news. Is the "11" factor making listeners sick? Remember Nigel Tufnell's and Marty DiBergi's dialogue in Spinaltap, "What we do is, if we need that extra push over the cliff, you know what we do? We put it at 11! It's one louder." Well, are peak limiting plug-ins making people ill? It's in interesting question raised in a recent article. Check out the accompanying video presentation for more detail.

Are you a Peak Limiting freak? Post your reply and let us know.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Friday, May 18, 2007

Talk about Honesty in Advertising

Thanks to Iron Mike Russell for unearthing this gem!

What a great line: "Don't worry about the equipment, imagine all the fun you can have in the back!" Oh, it must be a Friday, friends....

Job Opening ... Bring Lots of Tanning Lotion

Happy Friday!

Channel 104.8 has an immediate opening for a creative production wizard. Accommodation within walking distance to the station will be provided, along with transportation, too.

Sounds great, as long as you don't mind working in one of the hottest places on mother earth. Ajman, in the United Arab Emirates. I checked today's forecast, which calls for a balmy 102 degrees. However, during peak summer periods the temp may surpass 127 degrees.

Oh, if you're worried about security, consider this: Halliburton will soon move its headquarters there. I guess that says something about security.