Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Is Peak Limiting making people sick???

Apologies to you for our lack of posts and reports over the past two weeks. We're busy with the final touches of our forthcoming redesign and development of a new marketing plan. With these in place, we'll be in a good position to attract a vast array of Production and Imaging Directors across the country and beyond. More on that in the coming days.

Now, on to the news. Is the "11" factor making listeners sick? Remember Nigel Tufnell's and Marty DiBergi's dialogue in Spinaltap, "What we do is, if we need that extra push over the cliff, you know what we do? We put it at 11! It's one louder." Well, are peak limiting plug-ins making people ill? It's in interesting question raised in a recent article. Check out the accompanying video presentation for more detail.

Are you a Peak Limiting freak? Post your reply and let us know.

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