Thursday, May 10, 2007

Using Skype for Phoners and Production

I receive the occasional question ...usually from a home-studio producer... on the easiest way to record a telephone interview in the digital medium. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is the use of a Gentner hybrid interface or even a Telos, assuming the session is on an ISDN circuit.

One inquiry, however was particularly complex and involved recording an interview on the phone. It didn't help matters that my colleague was on vacation in the Caribbean, miles away from the nearest studio. With laptop in hand and ProTools M-Box at his disposal, we tinkered with a few scenarios on how to record the interview as an MP3 file...something he could edit and e-mail to his producer at the radio station.

Enter Skype to the rescue! Skype taps into the speed and quality of VOIP. With a couple of quick software downloads, our intrepid explorer/producer was up and running in no time.

Thanks to David at for writing this thorough article on how to make it work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mentioning the Skype article Mark.